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Historic Preservation

State Historic Preservation Office*
State of North Carolina
Department of Cultural Resources
Office of Archives and History

North Carolina's Certified Local Government Program

Miscellaneous Documents

National Register Fact Sheets

  1. What is the National Register of Historic Places?
  2. National Register Criteria for Evaluation.
  3. How Historic Properties are Listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
  4. The National Register of Historic Places in North Carolina: Facts and Figures.
  5. Procedure for Supporting or Objecting to National Register Listing.

Information on Tax Credits

*All documents represented here are reproductions of publications by the State Historic Preservation Office. The origin or date of the revision reproduced is listed for each document. Direct any questions about these documents to:
State Historic Preservation Office
N.C. Division of Archives and History
109 E. Jones Street (4617 Mail Service Center)
Raleigh NC 27699-4617
or to the appropriate branch named in the documents.