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Commercial & Residential Permit Requirements

To Obtain a Permit:
Minimum Information needed to complete an application for demolition.

  1. Project Address.
  2. Property owner's name.
  3. Tax Parcel #. May be obtained from the tax office, if not on file.
  4. Total contract cost.
  5. Demolition contractor, name and phone number.
  6. Full description of work to be done.
  7. If work is in the Historic District, a Certificate of Appropriateness is required (call 252-975-9384).
  8. Notification to Public Works (call 252-975-9332).
  9. Notification to Electric Department (call 252-975-9344).
  10. NC Natural Gas Co., letter of release on file.
  11. If this is a City Bid Contract Job - a signed agreement contract must be on file.

Commercial Demolition
Additional Information that may be needed.

  1. A/C systems must be evacuated by a licensed individual with documentation.
  2. Notification to Fire Marshal (call 252-975-9343).
  3. Copy of Workman's Compensation proof.
  4. Copy of DEHNR Application and Notification (call Pat Currin 919-733-0820).
  5. Complex jobs may require additional information.

What is the Cost of the Permit?
Total cost is $100.00, plus a $100.00 deposit.

Can I Get the Permit the Same Day?
Generally, yes. Provided the information given is approved.

When Do I Need to Call for an Inspection?
This needs to be coordinated with the inspector at the time the permit is issued.