State Historic Preservation Office
Guidelines for North Carolina's Certified Local Government Program*
Appendix - Professional Qualification Standards
(for communities assuming expanded responsibilities)

Note: These standards apply only if a local government is petitioning to assume greater responsibility for functions normally performed by the SHPO within its jurisdiction, such as preparation of NRNs, environmental review pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, and review of Tax Act certification applications. They do not apply to the members of local review commissions, or to the commission's designated staff person if the local government does not seek expanded responsibilities. These standards also apply to consultants/professionals from whom the CLG may seek an opinion on the eligibility of a property for listing in the NRHP.

In the following definitions, a year of full-time professional experience need not consist of a continuous year of full-time work but may be made up of discontinuous periods of full-time or part-time work adding up to the equivalent of a year of full-time experience.

(a) History. The minimum professional qualifications in history are a graduate degree in history or closely related field; or a bachelor's degree in history or closely related field plus one of the following:

(1) At least two years of full-time experience in research, writing, teaching, interpretation or other demonstrable professional activity with an academic institution, historical organization or agency, museum, or other professional institution; or

(2) Substantial contribution through research and publication to the body of scholarly knowledge in the field of history.

(b) Archaeology. The minimum professional qualifications in archaeology are a graduate degree in archaeology, anthropology, or closely related field plus:

(1) At least one year of full-time professional experience or equivalent specialized training in archaeological research, administration or management;

(2) At least four months of supervised field and analytic experience in general North American archaeology; and

(3) Demonstrated ability to carry research to completion.

In addition to these minimum qualifications, a professional in prehistoric archaeology shall have at least one year of full-time professional experience at a supervisory level in the study of archaeological resources of the prehistoric period. A professional in historic archaeology shall have at least one year of full-time professional experience at a superivisory level in the study of archaeological resources of the historic period.

(c) Architectural History. The minimum professional qualifications in architectural history are a graduate degree in architectural history, art history, historic preservation, or closely related field, with coursework in American architectural history; or a bachelor's degree in architectural history, art history, historic preservation, or closely related field plus one of the following:

(1) At least two years of full-time experience in research, writing, or teaching in American architectural history or restoration architecture with an academic institution, historical organization or agency, museum, or other professional institution; or

(2) Substantial contribution through research and publication to the body of scholarly knowledge in the field of American architectural history.

(d) Architecture. The minimum professional qualifications in architecture are a professional degree in architecture plus at least two years of full-time professional experience in architecture; or a state license to practice architecture.

(e) Historic Architecture. The minimum professional qualifications in historic architecture are a professional degree in architecture or state license to practice architecture, plus one of the following:

(1) At least one year of graduate study in architectural preservation, American architectural history, preservation planning, or closely related field; or

(2) At least one year of full-time professional experience on historic preservation projects. Such graduate study or experience shall include detailed investigations of historic structures, preparation of historic structures research reports, and preparation of plans and specifications for preservation projects.

* Reproduced for the City of Washington Department of Planning and Development Website from the January 1992 revision of this document.
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