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Instructions for Filing an Application for Rezoning

  1. A petitioner for a zoning change must complete the application in full. The application will not be processed unless all information requested is provided.

  2. The filing fee shall be $125.00.

  3. An accurate survey of the property proposed for rezoning must accompany the application. The survey must be completed by a registered land surveyor or professional engineer.
    The survey shall include:
      • vicinity map;
      • north arrow in upper 180 degree quadrant;
      • all property lines with dimensions, metes and bounds;
      • location of all existing structures;
      • zoning classification of all surrounding property;
      • acreage;
      • existing and proposed zoning classifications of subject tract;
      • adjoining public and private streets with right-of-ways an paved widths, including future thoroughfares;
      • name of adjacent property owners shown within 100 feet;
      • name of landowner(s) requesting the zoning change;
      • name of the person or firm preparing the map;
      • scale of 1" = 200'; or at an appropriate scale with an inset map at a scale of 1" = 200'; and
      • date of map.

  4. The petitioner, or his duly authorized agent, shall submit to the Department of Planning and Development the following:
      • one (1) completed application;
      • three (3) paper copies of the map for staff review; following staff review, eighteen (18) paper copies of the map shall be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the 15th of the month before the month in which the request will be heard by the Planning Board: and
      • list of all adjoining property owners and addresses within one hundred feet, in addition to right-of-ways, of the proposed zoning change. These adjoining property owners will be notified of the proposed zoning change by the Department of Planning and Development.

  5. The application must be signed by the landowner(s) or by an authorized agent.

  6. Completed requests must be filed with the Department of Planning and Development no later than the fifteenth (15th) day of the month prior to the Planning Board's meeting date, in order to be place on the monthly agenda.

Rezoning Request Application

Page 1   (Ownership, Property and Zoning Request Information)
Page 2   (Property Owners Within 100 Feet)
Page 3   (Legal Description and Owner/Agent Statement)

Applicant should print out and complete all three (3) pages.